Discover True 24/7 Protection

Discover True 24/7 Protection 830 274 Elvey

Discover True 24/7 Protection

Qolsys True 24/7 Protection

Discover True 24/7 Protection

Looking for ways to persuade customers you’ve got the best security solution for them? Only IQ Platform provides protection ALL the time – even when they forget (or don’t bother) arming it.

These short scenarios are a great way to help customers understand the value of IQ Platform 24/7 protection, and what sets it apart from others.

Geo-fencing and arming reminder

Forgot to arm your alarm? Or thought it’s not needed when “popping out for a minute”? Don’t let burglars catch you off-guard. If your phone leaves the virtual perimeter around your home, you’ll get a notification, so you can arm it on the go.

Smart arming

Even better, this clever system learns your routines, such as your regular bed and wakeup times, and then
sensibly arms automatically. And if there’s a change, like a late-night TV binge or you get up suddenly for a 5am run, it will disarm when your movement is sensed.

Schedule arming

For added convenience, set times for the system to automatically arm and disarm every day such as at bed and wakeup times. Left a window open? It will bypass that zone or send a warning why it couldn’t arm, so you can check.

Bluetooth disarming (customers absolutely love this one!)

Coming home has never been easier. As soon as your phone comes into range, the system automatically disarms, so there’s no scrambling while carrying groceries or kids. More convenience, fewer false alarms.

Elvey Security